Situation before installation
Massive encrustations out of hardened fatty deposits in the entire pipe-lines (approx. 300 m). Expensive cleaning accomplished only with high pressure (milling) and modest success. The deposits could not be removed by using 120°C hot water and degreaser. |
Situation after installation
Durch den Einsatz des Fluid-Liner® sind die Ablagerungen weich; sogar entgegen der Fließrichtung, bis hin zum Schlammspeicher. Sie lassen sich durch kurzzeitige Erhöhung der Fließgeschwindigkeit austragen. |
It can be increasingly observed that depositions of Vivianit (Iron phosphate) appear next to primary sludge pipes, heat exchangers and high performance centrifuges. This kind of encrustation is extreme hard: Armatures are not possible to move anymore. Heat exchangers can not operate anymore. The cleaning of the affected facilities is often time consuming and expensive. |